Friday, March 13, 2009

Seattle trip - Abby at 5 months - Chris and Joan's Wedding

Hi everyone! It's been a busy month for Abby and her parents. We were in Seattle last week for Joan and Chris's wedding which was WAY too much fun! It was also a great chance to see friends and family. Enjoy all the new pictures.

Abby is great. She is rolling over (in both directions) and "talking" up a storm. She can sit up fairly well (she still needs a little support) and also just started attending a play group with other babies her age and is very much the social butterfly! Next month she will begin mommy/baby swimming classes is really looking forward to splashing around in the water.
Hope all is well with you all!

1 comment:

Joan said...

Hey Amy!

Great pictures of everyone! I haven't seen any of us from the wedding, so it's fun to see ones other people took

Thanks for being there - it was great. I'm so glad I got to meet Abby and I can't wait to see you in May.

Love you all!