Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 2 with our new addition

Abby is 2 weeks old and growing like a weed! At her 1 week Dr. appt. she weighed almost as much as she did when she was born. (6lbs. 15 oz.). At her 2 week weigh in she was 7lbs. 8oz.! We can't believe how fast she is growing and changing, but we are enjoying every minute of it! Most of her photos this week are of her sleeping since that is what she does most of the time, well, unless Matt and I are trying to sleep. She has also had some visitors this week. Thanks Samantha and Dani for stopping by to visit! Enjoy and more to come!


Doris said...

Abby is absolutely adorable (just like her mother)!

Unknown said...

(This is Matt's cousin, Emilio.)

Congratulations on Abby's birth and thank you for posting pictures of her! I hope to meet her at one of these Thanksgivings... (David and Wen's baby too!)