Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009 - Abby 13 months

Hi everyone. We hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. Abby had a very busy October this year. She had multiple Halloween parties to attend and is seriously on the move these days. She still isn't "talking" yet. Although there are alot of baby mumbles that I'm sure mean something to her! She is just getting her first top front tooth and mom and dad are pretty excited about that. We are longing for the day when we don't have to mush or tear up her food anymore! She makes us laugh everyday... Enjoy the new pictures!

1 comment:

Joan said...

OMG! Abby is the cutest ever. How fun - I bet she had a great time with the Halloween Parties. Good thing she has you both to keep her social calendar straight!

Love you all!
